Coolie Data Viz

Exploring the Coolie Trade of the 19th Century using data visualization.

Coolie Ship Scatter Plot

This scatter plot shows all of the (documenteD) ships that transported coolies to Latin America during the Coolie Trade. Each ship is represented by a data point, which is color coded by the flag the ship flew. Those ships that experienced mutinies are shaped differently. The ship's position on the y axis is based on the number of coolies it was transporting.

Those ships that did not have information on the number of coolies they were transporting have been excluded. Those ships that did not provide a specific month for their departure have been set to January 1 of their respective year.

Additional information on each ship, including its name, the flag it flew, the year it sailed, the number of coolie it transported, and its mutiny status is available when hovering over each data point.


Raw data from Meagher, Arnold J. 2008. The Coolie Trade : The Traffic in Chinese Laborers to Latin America, 1847-1874. Xlibris Corporation.